Mahindra XUV700 has won the ‘Indian Car of the Year Award’ at the Autocar Awards 2022. The XUV700 beat out competitors like the new Maruti Celerio, MG Astor and its segment rival, the Tata Safari, to win the top award.
An automotive award platform, the ‘Indian Car of The Year’ (ICOTY) is an annual recognition of the best from the Indian automotive industry. It reflects a strong theme of resilience and consumer optimism in a year filled with uncertainties. The ICOTY award is given to cars that come out on top for having value for money, reliability, design, tech innovation, fuel efficiency, driving appeal and suitability for the Indian market.
The Mahindra XUV700 has seen tremendous sales success so far and has also been declared the winner of the ‘Value for Money Car of the Year’ and ‘Executive SUV of the Year’ awards, respectively by Autocar.
The winning streak continues with XUV700 winning the top award at the MotorOctane Awards 2022.
Hitting the sweet spot
In 2021, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (M&M) took the wraps off the all-new XUV700 (pronounced as XUV, 7 double ‘Oh’), marking a brand-new era for the company. Fittingly launched just hours ahead of the country’s 75th Independence Day, the XUV700 represents India’s rise as a confident, bold, global powerhouse that is set to take a leadership role on the world stage.
What makes it the most-loved car?
According to media reports, the Mahindra XUV700 has impressed the ICOTY jury with its modern and tech-driven cabin, best-in-class engine options and lengthy features list. Here’s a look at the top highlights that make XUV700 one of the most coveted cars for SUV lovers.
A look at some of the awards won