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Search Result (4221 Results)

Showing Result for Keyword #Nanhi Kali

From 20 May 2022 to 1 June 2022

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Search Result (4221 Results)

Showing Result for Keyword #Nanhi Kali

  • Employee Stories
    Shruti Agarwal

    My mom had banned the word ‘impossible’ in the house when I was growing up. She studied in a Hindi medium school all her student life, taught herself English and went on to become a successful primary school teacher in an English medium school! That is the kind of role model I had during my formative years. Overcoming obstacles was par for the course – one just had to keep at it. This ‘never say die’ attitude allows me to see the light even when it’s dark all around. It allows to me stretch myself beyond my imagination. I am Resilient, therefore I Rise.

  • Employee Stories
    Brijbala Batwal

    What does it really take to make one successful despite the odds? Is it hard work or luck? I personally think, it’s smart work and a ‘Go Getter’ attitude. I think it has been my ‘Go Getter’ or ‘Never Give up’ attitude, passion and self -motivation to be a better version of myself and add value to work, that has been my USP. Like a wise man once said, ‘No one is indispensable in this World! We need to see how we can make a difference by being here.’ Three P’s have constantly helped me - Planning, Preparation and Perseverance. Live your life to the fullest, whether it’s work or fun.

  • Employee Stories
    Ramya Balasubramanian

    When I was a teenager setting up my first ever room, I came across this poster (yes in the 90s it was a thing!) that said ‘fall down seven times, stand up eight’. This Japanese proverb defines me and my life – both professional and personal, in a nutshell. I have failed more than anyone else I ever know and I have showed up nevertheless. I haven’t mastered my fear of failure at all, but I have mastered soldiering on despite the fear. I am gritty, therefore I Rise.

  • Employee Stories
    Sarika Borghate

    At MLL, I am motivated to bring out of the best in myself as I am the only woman employee working directly with a group of 40+ male employees and managing a diverse set of responsibilities. Thanks to the highly collaborative environment at MLL, where irrespective of any biases, it is your work that is valued. My seniors are very supportive and appreciative of the quality of work and that motivates me to achieve my goals and drive positive change.

  • Employee Stories
    Natasha Kedia

    You might think that gratitude comes naturally. You imagine yourself walking through life smelling the roses, counting your blessings, like some sort of doe-eyed Disney character. But in reality, gratitude is an uphill battle for most of us.

  • Employee Stories
    Prarthna Shetty

    I believe that we are a product of our experiences, good and bad. With my roots from Karnataka, my schooling from Madhya Pradesh and most of my adult life spent in Mumbai, it was with a lot of excitement that I joined Mahindra fresh out of college, to amass experience. And what a gratifying journey it has been. I started out as the only female Area Manager in the zone. A sales stint in rural Andhra Pradesh creating customer delight was the perfect lift-off I needed to break gender stereotypes in a mostly male dominated industry.

  • Employee Stories
    Lisa Lesko

    I have been an avid risk taker since I was young and always liked a challenge. Especially when people would tell me that I couldn't do something, it was all the more reason to prove them wrong. I have always encouraged others to do the same and will continue on this journey to inspire others along the way.

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