Tech Mahindra and Keysight Collaborate to Accelerate Adoptio…
Due to low latency and high range, 5G devices will be the key catalyst behind the expansion of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communications, that is, passing of information from a vehicle to any entity like vehicle, infrastructure and grid that may affect the vehicle, and vice versa.
Gromax Agri Equipment launches Trakstar DLX, a new deluxe va…
The Trakstar DLX series comes with powerful engine and new styling along with extra performance.
Mahindra’s Electric 3 Wheeler range Treo and Treo Yaari set…
Mahindra Treo was launched in the presence of Shri K.R Jyotilal, IAS Principal Secretary, Transport & Aviation, Government of Kerala.
Mahindra Urges People to #CutTheCrap with its new campaign
The Mahindra Group reinforced its long-term commitment towards the Environment through the launch of a new campaign that builds a case for waste management.
Mahindra Aids Hurricane Dorian Relief Effort By Donating 5 R…
The five ROXOR vehicles donated by Mahindra are specially outfitted to manage the difficult conditions on the ground.
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