LOGOS and Mahindra Logistics developing 1.4 million square f…
Mahindra Logistics (MLL), one of India’s largest third-party logistics (3PL) solution providers and LOGOS, a leading Asia Pacific logistics specialist, have announced a long-term lease agreement for 1.4-million-square-feet (mmsf) of warehouse facilities at the LOGOS Luhari Logistics Estate in Delhi-NCR.
Department of Posts releases Commemorative Postage stamp to…
Department of Posts (DoP) today released a special commemorative stamp to mark the 75th anniversary of Mahindra Group.
Pininfarina at the Hong Kong MotorXpo with the Model E desig…
After having inaugurated the first edition of 2019 with the exhibition of the H2 Speed concept car, Pininfarina is back at the International MotorXpo Hong Kong (IMXHK) 2021.
M&M becomes the first Indian ‘Automobile and Components’…
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M) has entered the World Index list of companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 2021.
Mahindra Logistics announces the second edition of Catapult…
Mahindra Logistics Ltd (MLL), one of India’s largest third-party logistics (3PL) solution providers announced the second edition of Catapult.
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